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The address tool has been improved with real time address lookup, international formatting support, and flexible address inputs. Just start by typing in any address on the device registration or the site manager pages, and the lookup feature will return formatted results based what you have entered. Delivering the results, and behind the scenes, are two separate address look up services for flexibility and redundancy. The address field is also more flexible and allows everything from countries, cities, street address and everything in between to be set in the address field.

Poly Lens Register Device page

To get the most out of the management and insight features within Poly Lens, it’s important that devices are assigned to a site. However, depending on how a device was onboarded to Poly Lens, a site may not have been assigned during the process. Now, there are two ways to assign a device to a site; manually or automatically using private IP addresses. You can easily find devices that are not currently assigned to a site by looking for the “Unassigned” group in the site management table. To use the new features, start by picking an existing site or create a new site and navigate to Settings > Device Association. From there, you can define the IP subnet ranges for the devices you wish to associate with that site. Once the IP subnet ranges are defined, any newly onboarded devices or existing devices currently in the “Unassigned” group within the newly set IP subnet ranges will be automatically associated with that site. Using these new tools, you can quickly manage and assign a large number devices to the correct site.

Note: Devices onboarded using a device pin code are prompted to assign a site during the onboarding process.

Poly Lens Manage - Device Association page

Welcome to a new way to visualize and manage your sites in Poly Lens. Use the new table layout to see all your sites in one easy to manage dashboard. You can also view key metrics related to each site, such as online devices and available device updates. From the new site management table, you can change site settings and view associated rooms and devices. Coming soon, you will be able to delete and consolidate sites as well. Find the new site management tool under “Manage” in the top navigation bar.

Poly Lens Manage - Sites page

The Poly Lens help documentation now has search! Find exactly what you are looking for by using the new search bar at the top of the help pages. The search feature shows results from the documentation library, the what’s new blog, and everything in-between. Results are broken into individualized matches separated by category.

Poly Lens Help Search

On top of all the great security features throughout Poly Lens, controlling who has access to your Poly Lens accounts is now even more simple. In addition to the new designs that make it easier to view your entire list of users in a condensed view, you can also select and delete multiple users at the same time. Find the new user list under Manage in the top page navigation.

Poly Lens Manage - Users page

Making remote troubleshooting even easier, now Poly Lens can remotely restart troublesome devices directly from the Poly Lens portal. Start by selecting any device from your inventory. At the top of the Device Details page, you will now find the Device Restart button. Once selected, devices will restart instantly. Works with any device currently supported in Poly Lens.

Now the Trio family of conference phones is supported in Poly Lens. You can onboard, provision with settings configurations, remotely manage, and view insights for the Trio 8800, Trio 8500, Trio 8300, and the new Trio C60. You can add Trio phones to your Poly Lens account either individually or in bulk. Intelligence built into Poly Lens will automatically update the devices to a Lens capable software version and automatically add them to your account inventory. To get started, enable the new provisioning functionality by visiting the account section within Poly Lens. Once provisioning is enabled, you can start to onboard Trio devices.

Poly Lens Accounts Settings Device Provisioning page

Management tools for the Trio family include both individual and policy-based bulk management capabilities for both settings and software management. On top of that, the settings interface couldn’t be simpler. Poly Lens auto-parses thousands of settings into user-friendly categories, making endless searching for the setting you want, a thing of the past.

Poly Lens Device Settings Audio page for a Trio

The insight newsfeed supports the Trio family as well. The intelligent newsfeed ensures the most important and urgent insights are always at the top of the feed, helping you efficiently address any issues that might arise. Today you can view insights around device usage, device status, and what devices need urgent attention. Insights for the Trio family include devices offline, devices in use, devices not in use, devices out-of-service, and call use (minutes).

Poly Lens Priority Insight feed page for Trio device

User management has been expanded to include the ability to remove user permissions from an account. If you wish to remove a user from accessing a particular account within Lens, first change the account selector to the account you want to manage, navigate to the user management section, select the desired user you wish to remove from an account, and hit “Delete User”. That user will no longer be able to access that particular account anymore.

The insights feed has a new look! This new look is designed to make it easier to understand the different insights within the feed. New labeling, design, and highlighted insight scopes are working together to make the insight feed even easier and faster to understand. The insight feed just got better.

Poly Lens Priority Insight feed page

A new geospatial filter located in the map view within Poly Lens automatically filters devices and sites based on your field of view within the map. Once a geospatial filter is applied, you can quickly navigate to a prepopulated device inventory table at the bottom of the map view. From there, you can navigate to the inventory table, which gives you access to device info, settings, and software updates.

Poly Lens map view with geospatial filter