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Search Parameters

The Poly Lens Device Search is found at the top right of the Poly Lens User Interface menu bar. This search is specifically for devices that have properties that match the following parameters.

As you enter text in the search field all available matches are listed below the field. You can continue to enter more information to fine tune the search. You can select a result from the list or select View all n devices and the selected item will display.

Note: If you search for a parameter (for example a Room) and this Room does not have a device associated with it, the results will be 0, even though this Room exists.

activeApplicationVersion, activeApplicationNameSearches for exact matches in the field, allowing for precise search results when looking for devices running a specific version or name of an application.No54f58dbc-3b93-4ee0-b3c7-575594186b64
id, productIdAllows for partial matches at the beginning or end of the field, providing flexibility in searching for Device and Product IDs.Yes482567361e1a
internalIp, externalIpSearches for exact matches in the field and allows for flexible search in IP addresses, including partial matches and matching on subnet masks to find all devices.No10.0.0.43
macAddressSearch for partial matches at the beginning or end of the field, allowing for precise search results.Yes48:25:67:36:1e:1a
name, organization, room, site, hardwareFamily, hardwareModelAllows for partial matches at the beginning or end of the field, fuzzy matches, and search for individual terms within the text, providing flexibility in searching with typos and slight variations in spelling.NoDemo Room, or
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serialNumber, publicSerialNumberSearches for partial matches at the beginning or end of the field, allowing for precise search results.Yes64167fde9dc2
serveraddrThis field exact matches, allowing search within server
sipaddrThis field exact matches. Additionally, it can also support beginsWith substring search on the section before "@" in SIP
softwareVersionSearches for exact or partial matches at the beginning or end of the field.No1.0.0
tagsSearches for exact matches in the field and partial matches in both the key and value of the tags, providing flexibility in searching for tags associated with the documents.Nolabdevices
useridThis field exact matches, allowing search within user IDs.No12345