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Import/Export File Guidance

The Import, Export & Migrate features allows an admin to Import or Export Settings or Migrate Devices into Poly Lens with a CSV file.

Supported Devices

  • Poly VideoOS Devices
  • UCS (Voice) Devices
  • USB Devices that can be provisioned: Poly Studio USB, Poly EagleEye Cube USB Camera

Note: Only provisioned devices will appear in the exported device CSV file.

See Supported Devices for a list of supported device models.

Rules for CSV Files

  • Acceptable separators are comma, semicolon, and tab.
  • A separator cannot be used in values (if the separator is a comma, then semicolon can be used in the values, not a comma).
  • Extra separators at the end of a row will be removed (commas and semicolons).
  • The required fields are mac_address, serial_number, and device_model (MAC address, Serial number, and Device type). The additional fields entered are treated as settings.
  • room_name and site_name are required columns. Enter an empty value, if you do not want the device to be assigned to a Room or Site.
  • If a setting name or a value is incorrect, then errors will be sent specific to the device.
  • Supported data types are Integer, String, Enum and Boolean

File Size

If your file is large, simply zip the file prior to import.

General Guidance for CSV Structure

Following the Reserved Fields, you can provide as many device settings that as desired for your deployment. Define the first row with the xml parameter value and set the desired value for each unique device as appropriate.
You may specify any valid parameter within the device model schema regardless of whether the value has been promoted to the Lens UI or not. If the parameter is not promoted, importing it will make the setting visible within your defined level of policy. If the parameter imported is not found in the device schema, Poly Lens will consider it as an error and will not import that value while continuing to validate all other devices and settings.
An empty value for a xml parameter will be ignored as unset for the group policy and for the import for the group.

Special Notice Regarding Software Policy

Software Policy cannot be defined via Bulk Import however, association of a Device to a Site or Group where Software Policies have been defined in Lens UI is possible and therefore will cascade to the resultant device configuration defining the device’s running config and therefore specifying the device’s running software version,

Note: Site and Room are interdependent. Therefore, if any of those fields is empty for a device this will result in the device being removed from the corresponding field.

CSV File Structure


Reserved Fields  
device_groupsOrdered List of Groups that the device will be added to. The | (pipe separator character) is used to separate groups, while order of groups dictates devices Group Priority. If the group does not already exist, Poly Lens will create the group and add the device to the specified Group.Optional
device_modelThe Model of the device being added. Value must conform to the Supported Devices.Mandatory
device_nameThe name of the device as it should appear in Poly Lens.Optional
lens_device_idDevice ID of the device.Mandatory only for devices that rely on Device ID for provisioning.
mac_addressPrimary mac address of the device being added. If the device has both a wired and wireless mac address, the wired mac address should be specified.Mandatory
room_nameSpecifies the room the device will be associated with. This should be used in combination with the site_name field should you want multiple devices to be associated to a single room in Poly Lens. Note: This column is mandatory for Device Import. Enter an empty value, if you do not want the device to be assigned to a Room. If the Room does not already exist, Poly Lens will create the Room and add the device to the specified Room.Optional
serial_numberSerial Number of the device.Mandatory
site_nameThe Name of the Site to which the device will be statically assigned to. If the Site does not already exist, Poly Lens will create the Site and add the device to the specified Site. Note: This column is mandatory for Device Import. Enter an empty value, if you do not want the device to be assigned to a Site.Optional
Device XML Configuration  
Device ‘xml parameter’The value to be used for the associated parameter defined for the column.Optional

Device Groups

Reserved Fields  
group_nameThe name of the group to be updated or created.Mandatory
device_modelsA List of Models to which policy will be defined for the Group. Value must conform to the Supported Devices and is separated by the | (Pipe) Character.Mandatory
DescriptionText description of the device Group.Optional
Device XML Configuration  
Device ‘xml parameter’The value to be used for the associated parameter defined for the column.Optional

Note: A group can be defined over two different lines should you have different device families you wish to define, however you should not duplicate both group_name and device_models. If a model is defined for a group in one line, it should not be redefined later in the file.


Reserved Fields  
site_nameThe name of the Site to be updated or created.Mandatory
device_modelsA List of Models to which policy will be defined for the specified Site. Value must conform to the Supported Devices and is separated by the | (Pipe) Character.Mandatory
descriptionText description of the Site.Optional
location_nameText value to use to define the Location of the Site.Mandatory
subnetsJson string defining the IP Address subnet information for the associated Site for use of auto device classification. Use the information provided in the Subnet Field Structure Guidance below, to build the string to match your environmentOptional
Device XML Configuration
Device ‘xml parameter’The value to be used for the associated parameter defined for the column.Optional

Device Models

Reserved Fields  
device_modelsA List of Models to which policy will be defined. Value must conform to the Supported Devices and is separated by the | (Pipe) Character.Mandatory
Device XML Configuration  
Device ‘xml parameter’The value to be used for the associated parameter defined for the column.Optional

Subnet Field Structure Guidance

Importing of the Subnet field requires adherence to a specific format and structure. The field is expected to be a JSON string and must follow this format:


For example:

Note: A Public Subnet definition can have multiple Private Subnets defined, and a single site may consist of multiple Public Subnets.

The Import, Export & Migrate features allows an admin to Import or Export Settings or Migrate Devices into Poly Lens with a CSV file.