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Some of the insights on the Insights Dashboard are Poly Premium Premium Star icon features, enabled by Poly+ or Poly+ Enterprise. Unlock an interactive dashboard with insights into emerging trends in meeting behaviors and room utilization. Select the Learn More link to get details on this feature.


The dashboard displays data across your entire inventory, enabling you to visualize key digestible metrics in a single screen.

To access the Dashboard:

  1. Go to the ACCOUNT menu > Manage All Accounts.
  2. Select an Account from the list.
  3. Select Insights > Dashboard.
  4. Select the Location dropdown and select a Site from the list. Note: The default is All Sites.
  5. Select Date Range and enter a range from the Date Picker. Select Apply.
  6. The Dashboard will display the data from the selection you have made.

Insights Dashboard

Call Usage

Call Usage compares utilization between call providers for visibility into adoption trends.

  • Call Use - The Call Use information is displayed in a pie chart showing the total usage for the defined Site and Date Range of the Providers on this Account. By hovering over the sections of the chart the Usage Details will display in a popup.

  • Usage Trend - The Usage Trend chart breaks down the data by date, and by hovering over a point on the chart, detailed information is displayed in a popup. Note: By hovering over the Usage Trend chart title and option for setting the chart to display the trend by Percent or by the Sum appears.

Room Summary

Detect room devices with the most intermittent connectivity issues to better manage inventory health.

Room Summary on the Dashboard is a Poly Lens Premium Poly Premiere icon feature enabled by Poly+ Enterprise.

  • Video Devices - The Video Devices information is displayed in a pie chart showing the data for the defined Site and Date Range of the Video Devices in this Room. By hovering over the sections of the chart the Device information for this Room will display in a popup.

  • Most Frequently Offline - The Most Frequently Offline devices are displayed in a list, with basic information on each device, and a link to the Device Details page.

Workplace Trends monitor Room Occupancy and Utilization for insight into space optimization and productivity. Occupancy Over Time, Occupancy by Day of Week, Room Utilization vs. Occupancy, and Room Utilization are Poly Lens Premium Poly Premiere icon features.

  • Occupancy Over Time - The Occupancy Over Time chart breaks down the data by date, and by hovering over a point on the chart, occupancy information is displayed in a popup.

  • Occupancy by Day of Week - The Occupancy by Day of Week bar chart, breaks down the data by day, and by hovering over a bar, occupancy information is displayed in a popup.

  • Room Utilization vs. Occupancy - The Room Utilization vs. Occupancy chart is a bubble chart, with each bubble representing a single room. The size of each bubble represents the room's size, with larger bubbles corresponding to larger rooms. The placement of the room vertically and horizontally correspond to a room’s utilization and occupancy. Utilization is the number of hours a day that room is used, and occupancy is the number of people in the room against its capacity. You can zoom in by clicking and dragging your mouse in the chart, select Fit All to view all rooms, or Reset to revert the X and Y Axis back to its original placement. hovering over a bubble in the chart will display a popup with details on that room’s usage, capacity, and occupancy rate.
    Note: A room must have Room Capacity set to appear in the chart. This setting can be found under Manage > Rooms.

  • Model Utilization – Model Utilization data is displayed in a bar chart showing the top five most used device models, sorted from most used to least used. hovering over the information icon Information icon will provide more detail into how the data is calculated.

  • Room Utilization – Room Utilization data is displayed in a bar chart showing the top five most used rooms, sorted from most used to least used. hovering over the information icon Information icon will provide more detail into how the data is calculated.

  • Model Uptime - Model Uptime data is displayed in a bar chart showing the top five models with the highest uptime, sorted from highest to lowest. Hovering over the information icon Information icon will provide more detail into how the data is calculated.

Insights Dashboard - Workplace Trends