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Microsoft Teams Room on Windows

A Microsoft Teams Room on Windows (MTRoW) requires a computer device (mini-pc) that all of the peripherals are connected to. The graphic below is a diagram of a simple conference room layout that is organized with a PC in the room that is connected to a monitor, video bar, controller, phone and USB devices. With this configuration, an IT admin and facilities manager can manage the Room without physically checking the Room.
Note: To set up a MTRoW requires the Poly Lens Room App.

PC Room Overview diagram

Deploy Poly Lens Room App

See Deploy Poly Lens Room App.

Onboard your PC Room

See Onboarding - PIN for PC-Based Room System Devices.

Finding your Microsoft Teams Room on Windows Devices in Poly Lens

  1. Go to Manage > Rooms and locate the Room you created.
  2. Select the Room to view all the connected devices. Note: Only devices that have a serial number will display.


  1. Go to Manage > Inventory.
  2. To locate the MTRoW Room you can sort by the following:
    • Sort by Room and find your Room Name.
    • Sort by Provider and find Microsoft Teams.
  3. Select the Room to view all the connected devices. Note: Only devices that have a serial number will display.

Device Details and Status

You can select the Devices connected to your PC on the Poly Lens Room Overview page and view additional Device Details. This includes the following:


The Room Overview page allows you to view the Room's device information, each Device will display the Serial Number, MAC Address and Software Version.
There are two sections on this page.

  • Primary Device - The Mini-PC in the Room that will control the devices, through the Poly Lens Room App.
  • Connected Devices - All the Devices that are connected to the Mini-PC in the MTRoW Room.
Room NameThe name of the Room in Poly Lens.
Online/Offline iconGreen dot icon icon - Indicates the Device is Online, which means the Device is powered on, connected to a network and reporting data to the Poly Lens cloud. If you hover over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for Devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).
Red dot icon icon - Indicates the Device is Offline, which means the Device is not connected to a network. If you hover over this icon, a popup will display with the Online/Offline status.
Note: This indicator does not display for devices that do not provide status (example: Poly microphone).
Device NameDisplays the Name/Model of the Device.
Note: Each Device name is a link to the Details page for the Device.
Serial NumberThe serial number of the Device.
MAC AddressThe Device MAC address.
Software VersionThe software version of the Device.

Note: 3rd-party devices display the product identifier name, serial number, a generic graphic.

Device Details

See the following Device Details page for your specific Device. The Device Details page will cover Restart, Edit, Delete.